Monday, 8 June 2015

Visiting Berlin

So i recently spent the weekend in Berlin with my friend who is living in Germany. Berlin is an amazing city with lots to see and lots to do. We stayed in an Ibis budget hotel which was located in Potsdamer Platz. If you are planning to go to Berlin i would definitely recommend staying in Kreuzberg. There's a lot of amazing places to visit and lots to experience!

The city of Berlin itself is beautiful. For a city it is surprisingly green, with lots of gorgeous parks to visit and trees on every street. It is quite a relaxed place in that respect. On the first day we went to Großer Tiergarten and had a relaxing couple of hours in the sun.

There was some spectacular graffiti to see all across the city. I even found myself taking pictures of park benches because they had amazing graffiti all over them! There were also remains of the Berlin wall across in Potsdamer Platz which were covered in gorgeous graffiti, these were also amazing to see.

Like i said, there is so much to see and do in Berlin. We obviously saw all of the sights like the Holocaust memorial and buildings like the Radio Tower but we also took lots of time to walk around the city to do some exploring.

The Holocaust memorial was amazing to see. As you walk towards it, it looks like a load of blocks that aren't very high, but as you walk through it, the floor gets steeper and the blocks get taller. You start to feel very closed in and trapped. Hats off to whoever designed it, it's a great piece of the city to visit.

We also visited the Buchstabenmuseum which is a musuem dedicated to typography and letters. I had researched this before i came as it sounded so interesting! It sounds really lame when you say it's just a museum with a load of different letters in it, but it was actually really good to look around! They had a guestbook where you could give a sample of your handwriting and then say where you were from. Unfortunately the picture i got of it was blurry! but it was really nice to see all the people that had come from all over the world and written in it.

As for the food in Berlin, we didn't really go to many restaurants as there were lots of food markets and places dotted around to grab something quick. The German sausage was absolutely gorgeous!

We did spend a lot of time sitting in cafes, having coffee and cake. There were so many quaint little places to go to which we couldn't resist!

Overall i had an amazing time and felt very lucky to have visited such a cultural place! Berlin is a great city with so many quirks to it. One minute you can be surrounded by tourists looking at a gorgeous building, the next minute you could be in a quiet little side street looking at a colourful bear statue!

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